Salem Church School
The curriculum for this year is…
Sharefaith Kids!
We are really enjoying our curriculum, Sharefaith Kids! It is so kid friendly, and contains Bible Stories, videos, and Bible activities that helps our children grow spiritually. Please think about your friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers…and invite them to bring their kids to Sunday School at Salem!
Get to know Mary Jo Martin: Coordinator of Children and Family Ministries at Salem UMC!
I am very excited to officially start my new position. Here is a little about myself: I am a reading specialist in West Allis School District, Kindergarten – 8th grade. My husband Larry and I have two daughters Kayla and Katelyn and son-in-law, Nate. We have been very active in the past with children and teen faith. I understand the importance of fostering our children and teens in today’s world to have faith and build a church family. I hope to challenge our children to respond to God’s call to serve in their communities and world by providing opportunities for nurture and growth. My personal goals are:
To develop adult leaders as effective youth mentors
Become a liaison between the church and other community organizations, people, and resources that relate to youth
To grow number of families with children and youth at Salem UMC
Develop an Outreach Program for our children and families in the community and create opportunities for service and mission, in collaboration with Salem’s Outreach committee.
In pursuit of my goals I hope to help experience God through fellowship and fun. Some of my ideas include: special events for holidays, VBS, more interaction from our youth & children within worship services, marketing out in the community (parades, door to door Food Pantry collections), teen lock-ins, increase our musical talents, and develop Outreach services within Waukesha County. I look forward to any suggestions and also volunteers!
– Mary Jo

VBS 2019

Camp Out!

Christmas Program 2019

The Miracle of

Stone Soup

Church School Picnic 2017

Church School Picnic 2017
Brewers Game 2016

Brewers Outing