From Ashes to Life;  Lent 2024

Join us this Lent as we discover how Jesus brings the new life of Easter into each of us.

Feb 18 First week of Lent: Forgiveness  The Woman with the Jar of Oil  Luke 7:36-50

Feb 25 Second week of Lent: Haiti Fundraiser  The Miracle of the 5 Loaves and 2 Fish  Luke 9:10-17

Mar 3 Third week of Lent: Healing  Woman Restored to Life  Luke 8:40-48

Mar 10 Fourth week of Lent: Compassion  Prodigal Son  Luke 15:11-24

Mar 17 Fifth week of Lent: Acceptance  Zacchaeus  Luke 19:1-8

Mar 24 Palm Sunday: From Celebration to  Grief  Jesus Cries over Jerusalem 
Luke 19:28-44 
Mar 29 Good Friday: Travel With Us  The Way of the Cross
Mar 31 Easter: He is Not Here, He is Risen  The Women at the Tomb


Stand Alone Sunday:  This Little Light of Mine

April 6  Lay Speaker Bill Pardoe  Let Your Light Shine  John 1:1-9


Why? It’s a simple word, but a deep question everyone wrestles with at some point in their lives. When bad things happen, our prayers seem unanswered, and God seems far away, we cry out, “Why?” In this series of messages, we will look to the scriptures that help us to answer our WHYs.
April 14 Communion  Why is it so hard to hear God’s voice?  1 Samuel 3

April 21  Why is God not answering my prayers?  Psalm 22:1-11, 19-21
April 28  Why does God allow suffering?  Genesis 1:27-31, Psalm 6:6-7
May 5 Communion  Why is it so hard to understand God’s purpose for my life?  Jeremiah 1:4-10