Why? It’s a simple word, but a deep question everyone wrestles with at some point in their lives. When bad things happen, our prayers seem unanswered, and God seems far away, we cry out, “Why?” In this series of messages, we will look to the scriptures that help us to answer our WHYs.
April 14 Communion Why is it so hard to hear God’s voice? 1 Samuel 3

April 21 Why is God not answering my prayers? Psalm 22:1-11, 19-21
April 28 Why does God allow suffering? Genesis 1:27-31, Psalm 6:6-7
May 5 Communion Why is it so hard to understand God’s purpose for my life? Jeremiah 1:4-10


May 12 Mother’s Day Praise Fest is coming on Mother’s Day May 12th, a day to celebrate mothers and praising God through music. Windy Hills Brass group will be playing along with Salem’s Recorder group, Adult choir and more!.  Hymns will be sung, we will have flutes playing, saxophone and more! Come and celebrate with us on this day.

May 19 – June 2 Time to draw the circle wide at Salem.  No one is alone!
May 19 – Pentecost Our Foundation, the still point God Acts 2, Psalm 100:5
May 26 – Trinity Sunday Inclusion lets our loving know no borders
The Church Galatians 3:28-29
June 2– Communion Dream large dream Christ dream The Mission/The Vision Ephesians 3:20